Benefits for Family

Additional prenatal tests
We offer a wide range of prenatal tests for expectant mothers and their babies. We share in the costs for nuchal translusency scans, atriple test and the toxoplasmosis test.
Prenatal courses for fathers
Fathers insured with us receive a subsidy for participating in aprenatal course.
Midwife call service
You have the option of scheduling on-call service with your midwife between the 37th and 42nd week of pregnancy. That means your trusted midwife will be available to assist you personally and answer questions 24 hours a day and will be on site during the birth. We’re happy to subsidise this for you.
Preventative care for children and youth
In addition to standard preventative care screening for children and youth, we also cover the cost of the U10 and U11 examinations. So there are no gaps in care, we also reimburse the cost of the J2 examination for youth.
Bonus Kids plus & Junior plus
Preventative care is worth starting from childhood. Children and youth who are insured with us can get a bonus through preventative care and sports activities.