Preventative Benefits
Medical examination for sports
The medical examination for sports helps you structure an active lifestyle and thereby prevent or reduce health risks. It’s especially useful if you are starting sports again or for the first time or would like to intensify your workout. We pay a subsidy for a licensed sports physician.
Vaccinations are important for preventing diseases. That’s why we assume the costs for all recommended vaccinations. We even assume the costs for HPV vaccination for young women over 14 who would like preventative care against cervical cancer.
Travel vaccinations
We assume the costs for travel vaccinations and malariaprophylaxis for private foreign travel so you can enjoy your holiday carefree.
Health check-up
With the health check-up, you will receive comprehensive preventative medical care beginning at age 35. We also provide support for this check-up regardless of your age.
Manager check-up
The manager check-up includes the most modern diagnostic methods for particularly extensive preventative care. You can get a reliable assessment of your health status within only one day. You can take advantage of this check-up at selected partners at special rates. In addition, you will receive a bonus for your preventative care.
Skin cancer screening
You can take advantage of the skin cancer screening every two years after age 35. Beginning at age 18, you can have a skin cancer check-up through us including additional reflected light microscopy if necessary.
Breast cancer screening
Breast cancer screening starts with breast palpation tests at the age of 30 and continues after age 50 with a mammography screening every two years. Under the age of 50, you will already receive a subsidy from us for a mammography and the ultrasound “sono-check” examination.
Colon cancer screening
Beginning at age 50, you can be examined for colon cancer. If you would like take advantage of this preventative care before age 50, you will receive a subsidy from us regardless of your age.